Cleopatra bet Antony a large sum of money that she could host the most expensive meal in history and drink $500,000 worth for wine. The next day, as the meal in question was nearing its end, Antony said that it had been terrific, but no more impressive than her other banquets—and certainly not worth the sum of money she had specified.
At this, Cleopatra removed one of her pearl earrings , had a servant crush it, and dropped it in a goblet of wine
. Each of the pearls was so large and rare that it was extraordinarily valuable. That one earring was said to worth 100,000 pounds of silver. It cost 100,000 gold aurie
, a type of money used in ancient Egypt. The pearl dissolved in the vinegar, which Cleopatra then drank.
Antony conceded defeat—the value of that single drink, let alone the banquet, had indeed been more than any meal in history. Worth was so high they could have been used to purchase a entire country
or send a full military invasion
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